Sunday, January 18, 2009


I basically got lost all of today. I set out to spend my day one prudent way, and I ended up following rabbit trails all day. Delightful, fruitful rabbit trails, but rabbit trails nonetheless.

Rabbit trail #1: It's this awesome way to swap books. You can order books and people mail them to you. You start out with two book credits for joining. Then, you post books you're willing to trade. For each book you mail, you get a credit. This is how I spent several hours. I posted around twenty books and I ordered some. I've mailed two already (you print out the postage and everything. I wrapped the books in plastic grocery bags then wrapped the paper around them, using copious amounts of masking tape. I mailed two books ordered three books. I wish this existed for clothes. I need to go through more of my books. the ones I'll never read again. There are several thousand books in our house. Plus, I really like the idea. And, it stroked my ego that out of the 20 books I posted six of them were queued immediately. I read and swap quality books, yo. (My MBA sister was laughing at me because she made $300 dollars selling her text books on Amazon this weekend. But, I like this grassroots movement better. I might even make some friends out of the deal!) I will keep you "post"ed on this book venture. It shall be fun.

Rabbit trail #2: The mall. I went to return a sweater that's to big, which makes me look a frumpy old school marm. Of course, I am a frumpy old school marm; I simply don't want to dress the part. But, there were awesome sales. I got some work horse clothes that were not frumpy. However, they're not Madison Avenue either. They're colorful (pink, teal, orange), affordable (50-75% off), and easy. And, I got this AMAZING cashmere wrap. It's luxurious and fun. I have a feeling that my students, coworkers, family and friends are going to grow tired of the airy, fuschia wrap/scarf long before I will. HAhahaha. And, I ran into one of my writing group girls. I was bit embarrassed:1) I had all these bags of loot. 2) It was during when we normally meet for group. But, it was good to see her and find out how the retreat went.

I did walk and read, which was part of the plan. I did eat two meals of my hearty, vegetable soup. Now, I'm going to read some more. I enjoyed my day, which is the goal when one is under the weather and on holiday.

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