Saturday, January 17, 2009

d is for domestic

I woke up and medicated my savage cold. I find sneezing and snot humiliating AND tedious. Nobody can take you seriously when you sneeze. Watery eyes combine with limpness to make you feel like the sack of wet tissue and bone that you are. Thank you, Jesus, for over the counter medication. For about 2 hours, the mucus factory shuts down.

Today, despite my cold, I was a bundle of productivity. I embarked on making a vest with the same material that I made my dress. I'm not a big vest fan, but this one has princess seems so it should be feminine and tailored. I thought this vest could replace my NorthFace when I teach, which upon some soul-searching I realized isn't "professional" unless you're an outdoorsman. I took my sewing teacher out to an awesome lunch that we thoroughly enjoyed. We then went to Mary Jo's to pick out buttons and my next project. I decided to go all wild and crazy: pants. It's a Simplicity pattern for flat front, zipper in the back, slightly flared legs. I picked out some charcoal gray, tropical weight wool with a hard finish. I won't have to line them, and I'll be able to wear them three seasons. They're going to rock!

I went grocery shopping and picked up snacks for school. I ran out of them and haven't replenished my cache, which is pricey when I visit the vending machines daily. I came home, lay down read then napped. Then, I got up ate dinner, and decided I needed to make vegetable soup... a vat of vegetable soup. I journeyed to Harris Teeter again. I bought a parsnip among other things. I cleaned and chopped, opened and poured into the state-of-the-art crock pot (an oxy moron if there ever were one). The vegetables are stewing for ten hours. We shall see how my no recipe vegetable concoction goes. There's garlic in it, how wrong could it go? Now, I'm straightening and doing laundry. Geez, next thing I'm going to do is get a subscription to real simple.

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